Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (PDF) (REG 138).
#Lost title application duplicate title california drivers
Use this form to report a change of address to the California DMV for your vehicle registration and/or drivers license. Notice of Change of Address (PDF) (DMV 14).Use this form if you or your spouse are non-resident, active military and stationed in California. Nonresident Military Exemption Statement (PDF) (REG 5045).Use this form if you need your lienholder or bank to release security interest on your California vehicle title. Lien Satisfied/Legal Owner/Title Holder Release (PDF) (REG 166).Use this form to declare the gross weight of a California commercial vehicle of 10,001 pounds or more. Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/Combined Gross Vehicle Weight (CGW) (PDF) (REG 4008).Use this form if you wish to file a certificate of non-operation on a California vehicle registration. Certificate of Non-Operation/Planned Non-Operation Certification (PDF) (REG 102).Use this form if you have bought or sold a California vehicle. Application for Vehicle License Fee Refund (PDF) (REG 65) Use this form to apply for a refund of vehicle license fees that were previously paid to the California Department of Motor Vehicles.Use this form if you need to obtain a new original title for a vehicle that has never been titled in California. Application for Title or Registration (PDF) (REG 343).Use this form if your vehicle is temporarily out of state and you need a smog exemption. Application for Temporary Smog Exemption for a Vehicle Located Out-of-State (PDF) (REG 5103).Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents (PDF) (REG 156) Use this form to replace a lost plate, sticker, registration card, disabled person placard or disabled person ID card.Application for Duplicate or Transfer of Title (REG 227) Use this form to replace a lost California vehicle title.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view, fill-in and print the following forms: For your convenience, please feel free to use any of the following DMV forms free of charge.