The Onechanbara game that came out on PS4 is much better than this. The game sets up glowing blue walls to block you from going down certain hallways and stairways just to prolong the missions. You fight only within the school and it's not very interesting. Difficulty in the game is based solely on how many zombies they can throw (literally) at you at a time or how much of a bullet sponge certain bosses are. I just finished the game and can only remember that there was a weird one and a stuck up one. It's quite basic and juvenile, which is strange considering the mature age rating. The story might be interesting to a 10 year old. For each, you're ether protecting your base (communicator), going to a destination, or killing zombies. The game is short, with 5 main chapters, with a few levels in each. You unlock outfits and color variations by finding them on the ground or shooting zombie birds in levels. There are shower scenes, well let me clarify: one identical shower scene that you can take each girl through. They do tear after you've taken some damage, and you can choose to throw your outfit off at any time to distract zombies. The outfits look okay, but aren't modeled well and don't flow very well. Your standard school girl outfit, a slightly different school girl outfit, a nurse outfit, Japanese school girl swimsuit (the kind that's not sexy at all), and bloomers. And there's only five sets of clothes (each with color variations).

Sorry, no bikini cuts or thongs here, just regular old panties. Flat rear ends on all of them and basically the same set of underwear for each: They only vary by color and pattern (slightly). There's 5 girls, all with the same character model (different breast sizes an heads). I picked this up primarily for the fanservice, and the fanservice is disappointing. I picked this up primarily for the I started playing this game yesterday, and beat it today, that includes unlocking all clothes. I started playing this game yesterday, and beat it today, that includes unlocking all clothes.